Rich in protein , Dietery fiber ,urrom the Andean Mountains of South America. Organic and Natrually Gluten free
Product Description:
Quinoa is a rich source of many nutrients that help promote good health in many ways, including protein, iron, B vitamins, anthocyanins, copper, manganese and alpha-linolenic acid. Let’s take a closer look at the key benefits of black quinoa.
High Fiber & Protein
Black Quinoa is one of the few plant-based sources of complete protein containing all 10 essential amino acids. It’s one of the best vegetarian protein sources out there. This rather unique form of quinoa contains slightly more fiber than other types of quinoa.
Iron source
Iron is what the body depends on to carry oxygen throughout the body. A lack of iron in your daily diet can lead to fatigue, weakness and anemia. A cup of black quinoa contains 15% of the recommended daily amount of iron.
provides B vitamins
This darker version of quinoa is rich in folic acid, a B vitamin essential for healthy liver and nervous system function, skin, hair and eye health. It’s also a great source of copper, manganese, and alpha-linolenic acid, which help reduce inflammation and protect cardiovascular health.
Rich in antioxidants
The dark color of black quinoa is due to its high anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are a class of antioxidants that help prevent UV and free radical damage to cells. Antioxidants can protect against chronic diseases and heart disease.
Gluten Free
Black quinoa is a nutritious, low-fat alternative to white grains for people trying to avoid gluten in their diet.